FK Lighting Showroom Grand Opening & CEU Event
February 16th 2023
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Grand Opening
Francis King, Ltd. [Suite#262] SUITE(S): 262

Introducing FK Lighting

Visit our newly renovated lighting showroom, showcasing many new lighting vendors. Sure to brighten your day!


Also - don't miss our new furniture displays - our largest install of new inventory since 2019!


CEU Information: Outdoor Lighting & Living: Science, Design, & Illumination

This course examines the reasons we want and need to be outside, the tools & policies being developed to make the most of that space, the aesthetic parameters under which lighting can and should be added & the information required to understand outdoor lighting.


RSVP  Register/CEU

IMS Building Hours:
Weekdays 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Emergency Procedure Manual
Tenant Portal
IMS Concierge
275 Market Street
Minneapolis, MN 55405
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